Saturday, December 31, 2011


There are a million words to describe Sir Steve Jobs. In version 1.1 of the app, we added a new feature called "One Word" where we collect all the words you used to describe Sir Steve Jobs.

Please note, we will not create a new post of a word already submitted.

How to submit One Word?
Go to the "Send" tab and leave one word to describe Sir Steve Jobs with your name (and country).
Note: if you submit more than one word, it will count as a message, and will be posted in "Messages" instead of the "One Word" tab.

Example of One Word:
- Buzz Lightyear, Andy's Bedroom

Example of Message:
"Hi Steve, I think you're a genius. Get well soon."
- Woody, Andy's Bedroom

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Transition from iOS 4 to iOS 5 is not yet available on the AppStore due to Apple rejecting the latest version. We are doing whatever we can to resolve our issue with Apple and hope to release version 1.3 in the near future.

– Jachava

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Please note that as there is an overwhelming amount of messages being sent in, the messages you send will not appear in this tab immediately. They will have to be moderated first. We appreciate every message sent in.

Just to let you know, the app shows only the most recent messages. If you do not see your message posted, it could've been posted earlier.

To see all the messages: tap here

From the SSJ Team

MESSAGE FROM THE DEVS: iOS 4 to 5 transition

The transition from iOS 4 to iOS 5 isn't easy. The app might not work properly with iOS 5 yet.
We will come out with a new version of the app (version 1.3) once iOS 5 is released to the public.

Version 1.2 is coming soon to the AppStore. (It still doesn't support iOS 5 yet, though) This might take a day to a week for it to be live in the AppStore.

– SSJ Team

Monday, December 5, 2011

1955 - 2011

We are devastated to announce that Sir Steve Jobs, chairman of the board, and former CEO of Apple, has passed away on 5 October 2011.

Mr. Jobs had been battling pancreatic cancer for more than seven years, and he finally succumbed to it yesterday, peacefully, surrounded by his family.

He forever changed the way we use technology with the inventions of the iPod, MacBooks, iPhones and iPads, beautifully designed gadgets that are now part of our daily lives.

He was amongst the greatest innovators in history as well as a hero, mentor and genius, but most of all, he was an inspiration to us all. Everything he did he put his heart to, and really believed in it. 

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Steve's family and Apple.

Rest in peace, Sir Steve Jobs.

You will truly be missed.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sei un grande persona e sei un grande genio...

Sei un grande persona e sei un grande genio e creatore ,non bastano pochi parole per discriverti. Meriti sempre un grande rispetto ,hai reso comoda la tecnologia a tutta l'umanità ,il tuo creo vive a rimane sempre nei nostri cuore e sentito tutti giorni perché ogni giorno Della nostra vita tocchiamo almeno una cosa che l'hai fatta te ,che dire ....sono tantissime le cose ma ti auguro che dio ti accolga per il bene che hai fatto nel suo paradiso ,a lui il giudizio .il creatore di tutto il mondo e tutto che ha vita ..... da un tuo fan,ciao steve ,condoglianze a la rispettiva moglie e tutta la famiglia

Federico, Italy

He was the Leonardo Da Vinci of our Era. It was an honour to be witness of his accomplishments. Thank you Mr. Steve Paul Jobs - Federico, Italy

José Manuel Antón Yébenes

One Upon a Man Allá dónde haya ido el espíritu, la esencia de Steve Jobs, se convertirá en un lugar más creativo, un lugar "diferente", un lugar mejor... Gracias por todo lo que nos has enseñado. Nunca te olvidaremos. José Manuel Antón Yébenes.


Rest in Peace Steve, and Thank You! He changed the world forever, revolutionised technology. And will be missed by millions, but also remembered for the amazing products he created and innovated such as the iPod, iMac, iPhone, iPad, Apple and Pixar. Thank you for everything Steve, Rest in Peace, Daniel.

Merci à vous, grace à votre génie...

Merci à vous, Grace à votre génie, l'humain vole vers une nouvelle ère, à la vitesse de la lumière. Le temps est venu pour vous de vous reposer contre votre gré, mais le flambeau est désormais passé. D'autres viendront et vous remercieront comme le visionnaire que vous êtes finalement. Faites un voyage agréable......


Grazie Steve per tutto quello che hai fatto: se tu non ti fossi impegnato cosí tanto per realizzare il tuo sogno, adesso la mia vita sarebbe completamente diversa! Grazie per aver inventato iPhone,iPad,iPod,Mac, e moltissimi altri apparecchi, ma soprattutto per averci insegnato molte cose: a pensare diversamente dagli altri, a non farsi condizionare e a ESSERE AFFAMATI, ESSERE FOLLI. Tu hai cambiato il mondo! Sono sicura che adesso tu stai benissimo, e puoi gestire la Apple da lassù!! La Apple non sarà diversa da prima, perchè tu adesso puoi fare tutto quello che facevi prima, e anche di più. GRAZIE!!! Elisa


Submitted by Sinanrinee from Thailand


I lost my mentor and my good friend. He didn't know me and I can not see him anymore in my life. But he touched my life by his great life. He taught how to live with faith and self confidence by his simple but great life. He lives in my dreams and confident. He taught me how to live and what to do before I die. Dear Steve, Your Soul may Rest in peace but your Spirit lives in our hearts. Good bye my dear friend. We will meet in heaven :-) Rajasekar

Mirko, Italy

We always believe in your technologies and life's dream. You are and will be the high technologies myth. You will be the king on hi-tech like Michael Jackson was and will be the king of Pop. R.I.P. Mirko from Italy

Mr. Steve Jobs...

Mr Steve Jobs, que DIEU t'accordes sa miséricorde . Parce que tu as donné ta au service des autres. Nul ne peux le faire. Je crois en toi comme je crois en DIEU. Tu resteras graver à jamais dans ma mémoire . Car tu es l'un des grands innovateurs de la technologie. REPOSE EN PAIX AUPRÈS DE NOTRE SEIGNEUR! AMEN VOICI CE QUE TU M'A PERMIS DE CRÉER ! MERCI

This is my way to say goodbye...

This is my way to say goodbye to Steve Jobs. I started off a while ago with an iPod Nano, after that iDevice followed my iPod Touch and quickly after that my iPhone 4 (which I'm typing on right now). I love this easy-to-use products with their simple interface and a beautiful design. You made Apple great. You even had your hand in the beautiful part of the world of today, the world where technology is becoming every day more and more important. Thank you for that. My thoughts go out to his family and friends God bless you, Steve Jobs.

Stéphane P.

Sincères condoléances à la famille de M. Jobs. Merci monsieur pour les produits nés de votre imagination qui ont envahi notre quotidien et l'ont surtout facilité et rendu plus ludique. Vous nous avez fait franchir des frontières. Vous venez d'en franchire une autre. Dieu vous accueille. Isad. Stéphane P.

Besi, Albania

Dear Steve, You have always been an inspiration to me. You put the "i" in my life and made made me live the "iLife". I have never felt so bad in my life. I feel like a part of me has gone. You will always be in my thoughts. With tears in my eyes, while writting this email, I am Besi, from Albania.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Submitted by Charley, England


Submitted anonymously.


Submitted by Alvin Alipo-on, Philippines.


Submitted by Nancy D from Miami Lake, FL, USA

Justin K. John Mathew, India

I'm proud to have your creation with me. It was a dream that came true. Will be missing your Great Innovation. You are one of the stars we look upon now and forever. . . Justin K. John Mathew, India

I want to stand next to him in heaven. . .

Steve jobs is everything we know today. He had the power of all technology in the palm of his hand. He innovated the cell phone, and later innovated his own Innovation. When I think of Steve jobs I think of myself. I feel as if we were connected in a way. One day I hope to become the CEO of apple. And help innovative the iPhone iPad iPod and other apple Devices. I feel so bad because he didn't get to see the iPhone 4s or iPhone 5 get released. When I update my software to my iPhone 4 I will think 'Steve jobs is the man that helped the entire apple industry produce this phone and this iOS 5 operating system.' He basically started the computer industry. Coming out with the NeXT cube computer sparked the start to his job and life. Then joining again on apple to help produce the world wide iMac. Even though he was a Buddhist I know for a stone cold fact he is standing in heaven with god and Jesus. He will look down at the earth and see all the iOS 5 devices and apple products shipped around the world. The day I die I want to stand next to him in heaven and watch the world revolutionize into technology. This following article was an article I had written to show how i felt about the death of Steve Jobs. In a quick summary I feel as if he should have lived on. "There is never a reason not to follow your heart." -Steve Jobs

Klaus Schneider & Family, Munich

Thank you Steve! We will always hear your heartbeat from every Apple product. RIP Four years ago I bought my first iPod, having owned six different MP3 players before. The effect of this iPod on my life was instant and amazing: Instead of struggling with the pros and cons of the device, what I did with my previous players, I was just enjoying my music and audio books. The iPod was the first digital gadget, which simply worked! That's it! From that time on I never cared about other MP3 players. During the following years I have bought five more iPods, two MacBooks, two Mac Minis and one iPhone for my family and me. And all of those devices have one thought in common, which I like very much: Keep it simple! They do a great job by just working as expected. This sounds simple, but is quite an challange in the digital age. So let me thank you Steve and give you a warm salute: I have admired your work since I had seen the Apple II in the late seventies. You have made the lives of countless people richer and happier with your ideas and inventions. Thank you very much and good bye! The world will miss you and so do I. With Love from Munich, Bavaria, Klaus Schneider & Family

Anne, USA

Indescribably brilliant If not for you, I would not understand technology I can't thank you enough for opening the door to IMAGIC, for me Steve will live on in our hearts and minds forever Anne. USA

God wanted his own iPad

Thank you Steve. You made life awesome I can't live with out my iPhone. iPad. Wow I will pass on your message About life on too my kids I'm sad at your passing. Maybe god wanted His own iPad


Submitted anonymously.

Johnny, France

Merci pour tout ! Merci d'avoir changé ma vie. Thanks for all ! Thanks For have changed my life Johnny, France

Jean Jacques de Colmar, Alsace, France

"Merci beaucoup monsieur Steve Jobs." - Jean Jacques de Colmar, Alsace, France

Ilario Citton

Hi Steve, grazie per il tuo genio, grazie per l'ipad e l'iphone. Mi mancherai. Ilario Citton

Tommy Presto

Steve, rimarrai sempre nei nostri pensieri!!! La tua vita e le tue idee hanno modificato il corso della storia!!! Sei stato e sarai sempre fonte di ispirazione per milioni di persone... per quello che hai creato e per il tuo stile di vita!!! Le tue parole saranno sempre nella mia mente... Siate affamati, siate folli!!! Un abbraccio Steve, a Presto Tommy


Submitted by Cess, USA


Thank you per la tua ispirazione, per le tue visioni, per le tue genialate.. Per come hai affrontato tutto quello che hai vissuto, perché non riesco ad immaginarti sdraiato senza parole.. Perché sei un esempio per noi giovani. Per chi, come la mia generazione, crede di non avere un posto nè un ruolo.. Grazie è una parola bellissima che spiega molte cose ed io la voglio dedicare tutta a Te, ai tuoi figli a tua moglie e alla tua famiglia tutta. Roberta.

Des millions de mots pour te décrire. . .

I'm very sad because of the death of Steve Jobs, I'm french, so whatever you think about it, I'll write my message in French. Steve Jobs, des millions de mots pour te décrire. Je ne vais pas commencer à tous les citer les uns après les autres. Commençons immédiatement par les choses concrètes! Tu es un inventeur de génie, 317 brevets à ton nom, peut-être même plus! Chaque produit que tu sortais s'avérait un énorme succes. Tu ne le savais probablement pas en ce temps-là mais dans ton garage en compagnie de Steve Wozniack, tu as bâti de tes mains les fondations sur laquelle la société mondiale est construite! Sans toi le monde n'aurait été pareil, je me demande même s'il tournerait encore! Tu as crée un monde, ton monde! Et je crois que si il y a bien une chose qu'on devrait tous faire ici, c'est de marcher dans tes pas. Pour moi, ce n'est pas le CEO d'Apple inc. qui est mort, c'est un leader! Notre étoile du Nord à tous. Le repos t'es définitivement mérité! Loin du stress, de la fatigue, et de la douleur physique qu'a représenté ton cancer pendant 10 ans. Mes pensées te sont dédiées, rejoins vite les 'pilliers' du monde qui comme toi, se seront battus pour nous offrir un monde meilleur

Dannia Guzman

Steve Jobs, thank you. You'll be missed. Dannia Guzman

Par son intermédiaire, notre monde a connu le rêve. . .

Par son intermédiaire, notre monde a connu le rêve. Ce qui pour nous enfant était extra-ordinaire, Apple en a fait quelque chose de possible. Ce n'est finale pas autans le bons technologique qui reste intéressant sachant que d'autre en réaliseront, non c'est plus une époque qui aujourd'hui s'en va. Une période ou le rêve du possible a finalement enthousiasmé notre génération. Une génération qui a pu vivre en rêvant. Nous avons aujourd'hui perdu un porteur de rêve. Merci a Steve


Submitted by GTA
Submitted by Ann Penicuik, Scotland

Kanza Lahlou, Casablanca, Morocco

You're the man who changed the way of communicating with each other in this world. You're simply the BEST! Kanza Lahlou, Casablanca, Morocco


Steve, you will be ever be my hero! You changed the world on a very special way and your charisma and your personality were the best things a human can have! Thanks for all. Daniel.

Bruno, Angers, France

Steve, you were the best. . . RIP from Bruno from Angers, France


Submitted by Michela from Italy.

English translation: brave


Submitted by Kim Pananides California, USA


Il tuo genio, la tua umanità e la tua passione saranno luce per i nostri passi. We'll miss you Steve. We'll try to connect the dots, but we'll never be able to consider your death as an opportunity. We'll miss you, that's all. Grazie e arrivederci. Alessandra


Submitted by Kim Pananides California, USA

Olivier, Paris

Have a Nice travel , Steve WE dont Forget all what u gave us! I rarely do this but lighted up a candle in your memory. Olivier from Paris


Danke Steve für deine Keynotes, für deine tollen Humor und für die wunderbaren Jahre mit dir Matthias


Submitted by Patrik Linde from Ängelholm, Sweden