Friday, August 26, 2011

Keith Larsen, Berlin, CT

Steve, you have inspired me to take risks in business and in life from the first time I saw you deliver an address. I've achieved more than I thought possible because you showed me that the status quo was intolerable and that it's ok to "think different". I felt as thoughIi could ditch my fears and insecurities and rally people to a cause. I've become a leader in my community and in my industry, shedding my boring 9-5 life in pursuit of dreams and innovation. It's all because of you. And now, it pains me to see someone who should be the leader of the free world in pain and not able to perform your magic at work. Your passion and devotion to Apple and life will remain my calling card for a push on a rough day. To my hero I can only say, keep fighting. There's only one Steve Jobs and the world will never be same without him. To a man I'll most likely never know: I love you for helping shape me into who I am. I hope I get to shake your hand one day. Sent from one of my great Steve-dreamed devices, and with platonic love and heartfelt thanks, Keith Larsen Berlin, CT

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